State wildlife rehabilitation organizations may arrange to have Bat World staff bring the two-day bat rehabilitation workshop to their location. Please note a minimum of 12 guaranteed participants (maximum 25) is required. The content and format of the workshop will be the same as the workshops held in Texas. All class materials will be shipped at least one week in advance of the workshop date. Please see our Course schedule page for scheduled dates and locations. This workshop is suitable for wildlife rehabilitators, Animal Control officers, veterinarians, and licensed veterinary technicians, and is approved by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards for 8 RACE hours per day. The course is also approved by the National Animal Care and Control Association for 8 CE hours per day for Animal Control officers. Individuals wishing to earn continuing education credit hours to meet state wildlife rehabilitation requirements should speak to the regulatory agency responsible for granting wildlife rehabilitation permits. Please see below for detailed information about our National Workshops program. Review the proposal document for general information, complete the application, and submit to Kate Rugroden, Director of Special Projects, at


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The Bat World Sanctuary National Workshops program combines the one-day basic and one-day advanced workshops for participants outside of Texas.  Please see the attached documents for additional details and to request a workshop. Please note that student fees for this workshop are non-refundable once the minimum participant requirement has been met, although students may transfer to another workshop in the event of a scheduling conflict. National-Workshop-Proposal_Master.docxNational Workshop request master.doc

All participants are required to present proof of rabies immunization at the start of the workshop. For information about rabies immunization, please see